Journeys of a Pregnant Virgin

Wednesday, June 08, 2005



It's only a few days since I last wrote but having just read several friends' online reflections I'm in the mood to write a few lines myself. Yesterday Steve flew back to Vancouver. As we loaded his luggage into the cab yesterday morning I thought how nice it would be if he were being met by someone at the other end, and lo and behold, a dear friend of ours took it upon herself to surprise him at the airport and drive him home. So thank you, dear friend, from me as well!

It's quiet in my little apartment now. But I need this solitude and psychic space to reflect on all that has happened over the past two months and all that is still taking place - both externally, as I have described here over the weeks, and internally, which I have relegated to my private journal, not feeling comfortable revealing "soul material" in an open letter, which is how I have come to see these lines. Not that I haven't revealed some fairly personal material in my books, but that seems different somehow. Maybe it's the idea of putting it out into cyberspace that still feels odd to me. I'm not sure.

I feel good today. We had a wonderful and relaxing time together here, Steve and I, walking and exploring, going to lectures, eating too much cake and chocolate, and dancing most evenings to the music I uploaded onto this laptop. I think we are both pleased that Steve now has firsthand experience of my life in Zurich and some of the people I have described to him, as well as the loveliness of waking up to birdsong every morning. (In Vancouver, as he says, we hear mostly the harsh sound of crows.)

This weekend I want to immerse myself in Body Soul Writing preparation for France. Ursula and I have talked on the telephone once or twice but now we are each doing our own preparation and then we'll have a week together in Zurich before our 12 hour train trip to Gaillac. After being thrown back into student life here in Zurich, it's a little strange to think that in three weeks I will once again be the instructor. I know I will love expressing that part of myself again.

As I skipped down the two hundred stairs to the center of Zurich at noon today, I thought again how lucky I am to have these months (and probably more to come) to immerse myself in something so compelling to me (with some important exceptions I did not feel this kind of passion for my graduate studies) and to be part of such a lively community of people from all over the world. Since moving back from New York in June 2000, my life in Vancouver has been so rich and wonderful that I wondered if I was crazy to leave Steve behind and come to Zurich for more Jungian study. But now I think it may make for an even richer mosaic to combine both worlds and move ahead into the next few years in this way.

So maybe that is why I wanted to write today. I needed to express my gratitude for this rich opportunity and for Steve's support even when I know he'd rather have me at home in Vancouver. I'll be back soon.....

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